ADutch Landscape is the exercise of synthesizing a traditional and historic art subject in Netherland to a simple drawing game using very rudimentary rules and constrictions. Playing with the concept of appropriation and settling, the book works as protocol, as ritual, or as a narrative device where the same landscape is drawn again and again until to disappear.

In From Suriname to the Netherlands, the third publication of the series, José explores the notion of colonisation through the convergence of two different kinds of Dutch landscapes. Colonisation of the territory, of the landscape, but also of other cultures of the past.


The book is built from two landscapes, that of Suriname’s – an old Dutch colony – and the Netherland’s. Each landscape is drawn over and over again building a series of ten drawings each. In each drawing, the rules of the game have been progressively altered so that each drawing of the same landscape is always different. Interestingly, the rules used in landscape A are the same rules applied in landscape B but inverted. And in this way, A and B only make sense when they are connected within the temporary space format of the book. As a result, the concept of the publication, drawn from geometric patterns of circles that grow in each drawing, in turn, also becomes the narrative of the work.


Published by Ruja Press

Printed in Rotterdam, May 2020

20 pages


Riso, Black