Dutch Landscape 13

Dutch Landscape 13 is a book that doesn’t consume paper, but parasites existing books to exist.

A Dutch Landscape, and a drawing of that. When the representation of a landscape is built like another landscape. A landscape of 91 lines arranged and placed inside of a book with 16 pages. From 1 line to 16 lines. A book as a landscape. A landscape is a landscape. The book is printed inside another book. But books are landscapes. A landscape inside of a landscape. 91 books, 91 landscapes. 91 books found in the Netherlands. Dutch books, Dutch Landscapes, a Dutch Landscape.

The first edition consists of 91 books. Books were found in the second-hand markets of Rotterdam, Amsterdam, and The Hague in 2020 and 2021. All of them were shown to the public in the TERRANOVA bookstore (Barcelona) in October 2022.

1.10.22 / 31.10.22
Comte Borrell 99, 08015. Barcelona